Uttaranchal P.G College


Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science, Dehradun

Uttaranchal (PG) College of Biomedical Sciences & Hospital (UCBMSH) is one of the best colleges for B.Sc. CS Course in Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

The College of Management and Technology is the exclusive choice among the students for under and post graduation course. To know more about the institution you can visit the about us page.

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Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Management and Technology

The College of Management and Technology offers a 3 year undergraduate program  in the B.Sc. CS Course with an aim to provide job oriented curriculum to the students.

Welcome to the realm of endless possibilities and innovation with our Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (B.Sc. CS) program. Join us on a journey where curiosity meets coding, and creativity meets computation. Your adventure in the world of Computer Science begins here at Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Management and Technology.

What is a B.Sc. CS Course about?

A B.Sc. Course  encompasses a broad spectrum of academic disciplines that focus on scientific and mathematical principles. This undergraduate program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills. BSc courses cover diverse fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, environmental science, and more. Students engage in a combination of theoretical learning and practical applications, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and developing problem-solving skills. The flexibility of B.Sc. Course allows students to tailor their studies based on their interests and career aspirations, paving the way for various career paths in research, industry, technology, healthcare, and beyond.
A BSc degree is not only a gateway to specialized fields but also a testament to a well-rounded education rooted in scientific exploration and inquiry. Join us on a journey where curiosity meets coding, and creativity meets computation. Your adventure in the world of Computer Science begins here 
B.Sc. CS Course

Scope of B.Sc. CS Graduate

The future prospects for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc CS) graduate are exceptionally promising in our technology-driven world. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of computer systems, software development, and problem-solving skills, BSc CS  Course graduates are sought after in a variety of industries. They are well-positioned to thrive in roles such as software developers, systems analysts, data scientists, cybersecurity experts, and more.

As technology continues to evolve, the demand for skilled computer scientists is on the rise. B.Sc. CS Course graduates can contribute to cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity, shaping the digital landscape. The versatility of their skills allows them to navigate diverse sectors, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and beyond.

Moreover, the entrepreneurial spirit fostered during the BSc CS program enables graduates to embark on innovative startups or contribute to the growth of tech giants. The continuous evolution of technology ensures that BSc CS graduates remain at the forefront of transformative developments, making them indispensable assets in the workforce. The future is bright for BSc CS graduates, offering a landscape rich with opportunities for innovation, leadership, and career advancement.

Eligibility Criteria

Fee Structure



Syllabus for B.Sc. CS Course

Semester 1
Introduction to Digital Electronics, Basics of Computer Science, Environmental Sciences, Foundation course in Mathematics
Semester 2
Front Office Management, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Organization, Fundamental of Open Source Software-LINUX
Semester 3
Object-Oriented Programming using C++, Functional English-I, Technical Writing, Analytical Skill Development-I
Semester 4
Database Management Systems, Value and Ethics, System Analysis and design, Analytical Skill Development-II
Semester 5
Operating Systems Concepts
Semester 6
Introduction to Computer Network, Numerical Analysis, System Programming, Introduction to Web Technology, Project Work

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