Uttaranchal P.G College

Edible Fishes and Their Nutritional Values

Edible Fishes and Their Nutritional Values

Fish is an important source of protein, nutrients and are consumed by many species, including humans. It has been. Over 32,000 species of fish have been described, making them the most diverse group of vertebrates. In addition, there are many species of shellfish. However, only a small number of species are commonly eaten by humans. Fish provides a good source of high quality protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. It may be classed as whitefish, oily fish, or shellfish. Whitefish, such as haddock and seer, contain very little fat (usually less than 1%) whereas oily fish, such as sardines, contain between 10-25%. The latter, as a result of its high fat content, contain a range of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and essential fatty acids, all of which are vital for the healthy functioning of the body. Research over the past few decades has shown that the nutrients and minerals in fish, and particularly the omega-3 fatty acids found in pelagic fishes, are heart-friendly and can make improvements in brain development and reproduction. This has highlighted the role for fish in the functionality of the human body.

A small saltwater fish belonging to the herring family that is native to the Mediterranean Sea and the English Channel. Typically no more than six inches in length, the anchovy is green-colored as a fresh fish, but changes to a greyish-black color when cured. Similar to a sardine in size, it is used in the same way as a sardine, in appetizers or as a seasoning or garnish in salads, soups, pasta or pizza. Anchovies are processed into filets and preserved by curing them in salt and packing them in olive oil, by pickling the filets in vinegar and oil or by preserving the filets as fresh fish.. Anchovies packed fresh in oil (olive or sunflower oil) and wine vinegar are referred to as white anchovies, retaining more of their white silvery color. The white anchovy filets are less salty than salt-cured anchovies. Anchovies are sold either flat or rolled. Anchovy paste can be used as a substitute in recipes, with 1/2 teaspoon equating to one filet.

This is very tasty fish is also known as monkfish, lotte, bellyfish, frogfish, sea devil and goosefish. The name “angler” comes from the wormlike filament that grows from its head, by which it lures prey, fishing much like an angler. It has low-fat and firm-textured meat that is mild and sweet—similar to lobster; it is sometimes called “poor man’s lobster.” The only edible portion of this fish is the tail, which can be cooked in most any fish preparation.

The arctic char is related to both the salmon and the trout (the Mackinaw trout or lake trout is actually a char). There are both freshwater and saltwater char; both live in the icy waters of North America and Europe. Once almost exclusively a game fish, char is now farm-raised for commercial use. Government-sponsored fish farms in Iceland have made char more widely available. It has sweet and tender pink flesh with a flavor and texture that’s a cross between trout and salmon. Most often, char is prepared roasted or smoked.

Dr. Deepali Rana
Department of Zoology.
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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